Because I believe that everything is connected in some way, I’ve learned that what I do and who I am is linked to what so many others have already done for me. I must thank all those who have been part of the process that ultimately led me to pursue the creation of this site, LiteratureIsNotExtinct.
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Thanks to all the literature enthusiasts who need a safe place to comment on the literary connections they see in their everyday world. You are my kindred spirits! I can’t wait to share more ideas with you.
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Thanks to all my devoted colleagues and friends in the education profession, particularly those who immerse themselves every day in the trenches of what normal people call English classes. You — all of you — are my inspiration. If any portion of this site can give back to you some small amount of the encouragement, support, love, humor, or wisdom you have shown me through the years, then I would feel immensely honored.
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Thanks also to all the thousands (ahem, yes, thousands) of young people who have participated in my classes over the years. I am deeply indebted to you, my students. Many of you now have children and students of your own. Thank you. Without you, I would not be the person I am today. I know I have asked you never to include trite phrases in your written samples to me, so I’m sure you are chuckling at my poor use of words; but, I truly cannot think of anything better to describe what you have done for me. Without having known you, I would not be me. You are all my favorites!
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Thanks to my family, immediate and extended, for supporting me through recent changes in my personal and professional roles: from classroom teacher, academic sponsor, and educator-with-many-hats, to graduate student, work-at-home-woman, and website creator. Specific thanks are reserved
- for my parents, who listened calmly without passing judgement,
- for my in-laws, who prayed about, supported, and heard my husband’s concerns,
- for my sister and brother-in-law, whose willingness to share their knowledge of computers and website maintenance was immensely helpful and super friendly,
- for my son, whose laugh and youth were, and continue to be, infectious,
- and for my husband, a patient man, kind spouse, and dedicated professional educator, who allowed me to choose a path that, although best for me, was not easy for the family.
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Thanks to anyone I didn’t already mention, who feels they should be thanked. Thank you, thank you, thank you again.