Welcome! Thanks for looking up LiteratureIsNotExtinct, the site that celebrates literature’s affect on our modern world.
Classic literature infiltrates our personal lives every day! Yes, it does! I know you may be skeptical, but sometimes literary culture just sneaks up on us in ways we may not notice at first. Sometimes we aren’t even aware it’s happening — sort of like when we don’t know we’re humming along to the radio until someone makes fun of us — because it seems so natural and such a part of who we are and what we do each day.
Maybe we don’t notice right away because we’re too busy with all those things we always do, or maybe we’ve just been underexposed to literature (a shocker, I know, but it happens); whatever the reason, however, I want to assure you, that although we’re not looking for it, the literature of the past affects our present lives every day.
Yes, I am stating that the classic and the modern are connected! Because I believe this so strongly, and because I think our lives are ultimately enhanced by our awareness of these connections, I created this site to log those special moments when I see literature at work in my fairly ordinary life.
Why keep a record? Well, when you noticed something happening right in front of you, in your everyday life, that related to something you learned about in a classroom, on the job, or from a book, didn’t you feel a tad bit like telling somebody about it? Didn’t you want to share it with others who might actually care, even if they weren’t the folks you were hanging out with at the moment? I’m fairly certain we’re all guilty of posting our random thoughts on those social networking sites. I decided that literature is more important to me than the average random thought; so why not have a site dedicated to proving literature exists in our lives?
I am not the only person to notice literary connections! You have seen them too, and you may have even gotten excited about them — perhaps you whispered, or silently messaged, your discovery to an English teacher — although you probably would never admit it to the general public.
That is why this site is here. I plan to share with you what I discover! If you like what you see, you are invited to share with me as well.
If you’d like more information about me, the mission of this site, or any of my blog entries dedicated to teachers, students, and literature enthusiasts, please click on the links below. Thanks again for visiting LiteratureIsNotExtinct.