Hey Students!
Did you ever sit in class and wonder if people actually use any of the stuff you were supposed to study? Have you ever thought that the things your teacher asks you to read in English class have nothing to do with anything going on in today’s life? Here at LiteratureIsNotExtinct, we’re pretty sure all students, even your friends who say they like school, have felt this way at one time or other.
Because so many people seem skeptical about the need for literature, this website challenges itself to celebrate and demonstrate literature’s affect on our modern world. Basically, we’re going to see if we can connect what we learn in school to things that go on in our normal lives every day. If you’re a bit curious about how this might work, maybe you’d like to check out our blog and comment on what you think about the connections we make. We’re also on some of your favorite social media sites, so maybe you can catch us there.
This page is continuously under construction. If you don’t see something you need right now, check back soon! Updates will be made periodically.
See what’s available:
- The “For Students” tab in the menu bar of this site will offer tips, suggestions, ideas, literary connections, and social media links for students looking to do more with the English class material they’ve learned about in school.
- Some blog entries written by NoOrdinaryEnglishTeacher will focus on ways to help students deal with what frustrates them about the school environment. Other blog entries will celebrate the great things normal students do in school every day.
What to do:
- Visit our new social media pages — like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter and Pinterest.
- Add some of your own comments in the blog category, Literary Connections, that’s updated regularly by our author, NoOrdinaryEnglishTeacher.
- Look at the other blog entries in categories like Wisdom Wednesday or Triviality Tuesday.